Friday, March 20, 2009

Hello everyone. I am still hanging out here at the hospital hoping that baby Tristan can wait 9 more days. We had an ultrasound on wed. and they said that he is weighing in at 4lbs 1oz. We got a tour of the Newborn ICU today anticipating that he will likely go there for a bit after he is born. They all seem to think that he will do fine but will be small and may have difficulty keeping up his temperature and eating. We'll see. Everybody else is doing well. They all are begging me to come home, but I think they sort of understand the importance of my being here and giving Tristan as much time in utero as possible. Please continue to say your prayers for us and I will continue to update you on anything new.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

This blogging thing is new to us, but I thought we would try it out so that we could update everyone a little easier on what is going on with our family. So bare with us as we learn. Our family is growing again. We now have Chris and me, Dylan 16, Jordan 14, Sierra 11, Heston 5 and Levi 19mo. I am sitting here in the hospital because our next little guy Tristan is anxious to get here. We are trying to hold him off for 2 more weeks. He is not due until May 11.